Are These Services a Good Fit for Your Family?

Are there struggles with:


Your child—OR YOU—experiencing:



Arguing, Yelling, defiance, low self-esteem, tantrums, bouts of aggression and rage, anxiety, overwhelming fear, difficulty getting along with friends, getting in trouble at school, adjustment from divorce, separation, adjustment to new siblings, depression, trouble making and maintaining friendships, power struggles, specific scary or overwhelming traumatic experience, sibling rivalry, feeling easily overwhelmed, chaos within the family, frustration, lack of respect or appreciation, feeling tired and overwhelmed, being in survival mode, declining relationships 


What could that behavior be trying to say?


I’m not being heard

I need you

I’m lonely

I need to test limits to grow

I need to feel control in my life

I need to feel empowered

I need to feel understood

I need help

I need a chance to solve my own problems

I have big emotions

I have new emotions

I am trying to understand

I have a need

I’m afraid

I’m worried

I don’t understand

This is what works

I’m scared

I feel powerless

I don’t feel good enough

This is too hard for me

This is too much expectation

I can’t

Things have changed

I’m jealous




What tools can we develop?




Bursts of attention



Reflecting feelings


Being authentic

Sharing your own feelings

Understanding your own feelings

Understanding your window of tolerance

Setting boundaries

Understanding how you regulate

Modeling regulations

Being the external regulator

Using a be with attitude

Setting limits

Consistency in reinforcing limits

Choice giving for empowerment

Choice giving for consequences

Neutral limits

Communicating alternatives

Encouragement vs praise



What are some outcomes?


Child motivated regulation





Increased self-esteem

Improved emotional awareness

Improved communication

Faster regulation

Reduced power struggles

Knowing what to do

Knowing how to handle difficult situations


Enhanced relationships

Proactive instead of reactive

Increased self-awareness

Increased problem solving

Increased sense of control of self

Being understood

Increased feelings of safety

Calm, happy, consistent household




You are not alone

You are NOT alone in these experiences and feelings and should not feel guilty. Many families are experiencing the same struggles, especially during these unprecedented times. You don’t have to carry this alone.

Connect with Play Heal Grow and see how these services can help.